Letter From The President # 4 – 29th May 2008

Letter From The President #4 – 29th May 2008

Dear Fellow Curler,
I hope everything is well with you – I know that a lot of members are now starting to take part in summer bonspiels, so don’t forget to keep us updated!
A diary on the forum would be a great read, and I can put pics on the club website if you want.

The club committee met this week.
Again we are big steps forward.
I’ll keep this letter on the brief side (although don’t hold me to it), because you need to stand by your inboxes.

The games calendar is done – teams, draw dates, the lot.
Lizzie has done a great job on this, to have it ready within 2 months of the season end is something the previous committee took steps to achieve, and for it to be done is a great achievement as it allows us to focus on refinements from there.
After a dotting a couple of t’s and crossing some i’s, it will be be hotfooted to you.

Our DAP funding spend is coming along nicely too. We were awarded another $800, so that’s $2000 in all we obtained in the last 2 months, and it will all be spent towards club development, and our season target.
The DAP funding comes from the WCF, and we are now into the next year’s worth of available funds, a possible $12000 for English curling, so if anyone has ideas about things we could be doing, feel free to let us know!

Treasurer Jo has fleshed out our sponsorship proposal, and this will also be available shortly for any member to send to anyone they think might be a potential sponsor, another move to allow the whole membership to contribute to growth.

She also made an appearance on local radio in Maidstone, talking about her catching the curling bug, with several plugs for the club and the rink.
It’s well within our catchment area, and is densely populated, so I’d love to see more curlers from that part of the world.
Again, if you see any opportunies for promotion that you think would be good for the club, let us know.
People are already doing this, so the more the merrier.

I will be going to the ECA AGM in Sheffield. I won’t be speaking to the AGM, as there is no precedent for it if I’m not proposing a motion.
Instead, I will aim to talk to as many people there as possible, the other club Presidents and the Council members.
I aim to ask them what was done over the previous 12 months to develop the game, and what the plans are for the next 12 months.
This will hopefully allow me to get a greater understanding of anything I wasn’t previously, and also means that everyone who maybe doesn’t know much of the SECC will be fully aware of our plans, and can compare/integrate with any ECA initiatives.
There are undoubtedly council members who don’t have the faintest idea who I am, but they soon will…

Ok, don’t forget to check the 6th Sep for the BBQ, and along with the games details, you’ll be getting membership forms to sign, and the members’ directory is not too far away either.
I imagine I’ll find an excuse to write along with that lot, I normally do, so will sign off until then.

Ooh, before I go, speaking of the directory, what we would like is to have people who are prepared to do station pick ups, and can be listed as such.
Until now this had been organised by James in his Games Sec role, but this will not be the case next season.
I know a lot of local members expressed interest in helping club logistics, and a non commital offer of station pickups would certainly help.
Please let us know if you feel you could do this.

‘Til Next Time,
Health & Happiness
P.S. Don’t forget the website for news updates and archives:

Treasurer To Appear On Radio!

Treasurer Jo Ostermeyer will be doing an interview on the radio.

Here’s what she says:
“I will be interviewed on the Ant Payne Breakfast show on KMFM Maidstone from 8am on Tuesday 27th May. If you want to listen in go to www.kmfm.co.uk and select KMFM Maidstone and then hit the Listen In button. Unfortunately the broadcast range is only mid Kent so internet is the best medium.”

The gist of the interview is about local people with unusual hobbies, so curling will get a good old bit of promotion in the area where 2 committee members come from – lots of potential curlers there!

Excellent – try and listen in!
If you heard Jo on the radio and want to try curling, you are more than welcome!
The season starts in October, and we have plenty of opportunity for newcomers to try.
All equipment and coaching is provided, so feel free to get in touch with us via our contact page to express an interest – no commitment, but it will help us keep you updated!

Letter From The President #3 – 8th May 2008

Letter From The President #3 – 8th May 2008

Dear Fellow Curler,I hope this missive finds you well, and enjoying the sunny weather – it could well be the official sumer of 2008, so enjoy it while it lasts!The club committee met this week.
We made lots of good progress.

Lizzie has been slaving over a hot spreadsheet, and the games schedule should probably be released by the end of the month.
It may dribble over into early June, but that’s the sort of timescale we’re looking at.

Adam has been working away at ways to use our DAP funding for promotion, so that is progressing nicely.

We also had some other ideas, which we will see how they develop.

Ernest was able to accept our invitation to join the meeting.
It was productive to have him there – there is now clear, clean and open communication between the club and the rink, and that’s the way it will remain.

If anyone wants to ask Ernest about anything, just ask him!
He loves the sport and loves to talk about it (a good deal!), so feel free to approach him.

Or, as ever, you can approach any member of the committee.
If you don’t know who the committee members are, you can find out via the website.

Speaking of which, (ooh, good link) the website has changed slightly.
It is now using a blogging format, which basically means that any committee member can update it, and visitors can also leave comments – this will lead to a speedier and more updated site during the season.
Go and take a peek at: http://www.southofenglandcurlingclub.com

Regarding the club junior section next season, we do have a serious issue about having people available to take the sessions.
I would ask any member who feels they would be able to take sessions between 6 -7.45 on Tuesdays to get in touch, geared more towards the newer junior members.
We will also aim to get the juniors playing more with the adults, as it helps everyone’s game.

On a related subject, Ernest will be holding a ‘coach the coaches’ session early in the season.
This will cost in the region of £20, and will certify you as being able to take beginners onto the ice.
You coud then take some junior sessions once the relevant checks are done.
It also allows you to take adult beginners, and I can tell you from personal experience that once you take newbies, it proves to you how much you know yourself, and makes a big psychological boost to your game!

The ECA is holding its AGM on 8th June in Sheffield.
Any ECA member is welcome to attend.
I will be going to represent the club, so pass on any views you may have!
Due to James’ membership status between the POL and SECC, he is not eligible to be a club rep, not a proxy for other club reps.
It has been arranged that I will now be proxy for the club reps, but we do need another club rep in James’ stead.
You wouldn’t need to go to Sheffield, just be indentified as club rep.
Please let us know asap if you feel you could do this.

Before I sign off for now, a couple of follow ups from last time.

People will not lose out with our new payment schedule if they hold still valid books of tickets.
That amount will simply be taken off your games dues.
Also, we will still be running the books of tickets, but only for social ice, not league or weekend events.

Also, some people have told me that a target of 50 new regular curlers is ‘ambitious’.
I like ambitous.
Ambitious is the way to drive forward.
We may not get to the target, but we will be having a proper crack at it.
The swingometer of 85%-15% non club to club bookings is not where I want it to stay, and with the enthusiasm of the committee and support from members and the rink, I intend us to eat into that difference!

The summer weather does bring BBQ to mind, so please note that the club BBQ is now being held Sat September 6th.
That is a change of date, so make sure you have it jotted down as Sep 6th.

Ok, that’s it for now!
‘Til Next Time,


Letter From The President #2 – 16th April 2008

Letter From The President #2 – 16th April 2008

Dear Fellow Curler,
The committee held its’ first meeting yesterday with the new line up.
A productive affair, we set a lot of groundwork for the next season, and got various tasks in motion.
Lots of ideas generated, and we’ll have a good season ahead of us.

I put forward the idea of trying to get 50 new members next year, around 2 a week.
That would be a superb result in my view if we achieve it, since currently the regular curlers only number around 50!
To this end we applied to the WCF for some funding for promotion.
They have approved this request, and we are now funded to create a display at the rink next season to tap into the non club curlers.
Thanks to John Brown wearing his ECA hat for his help on that one.

The non club curlers make up 85% of the bookings at the rink compared to the club’s 15%, so it’s a hot potential market we should be tapping, and this funding will help a lot, allowing a focus point to direct people towards the potential of club curling.

In another step to fund growth/development, we are not going to offer the season ticket option next season.
This was costing the club a huge loss.
The money we took in from the season tickets, was outweighed by the cost of the ice used by season ticket holders – by several hundred pounds.
This is clearly an unsustainable position.

We are close to formulating the teams and booking ice.
If you haven’t yet returned your intentions forms, we are trying to chase up some stragglers, but be aware that in about a week’s time, the deed will be done, and you will have to go on the reserve list. We are already 11 days past our original deadline.

Once we’ve sorted the teams, we’ll be letting you know as soon as possible, and telling you how many games you will be playing.
You can then pay for them all upfront if that’s what you prefer, or set up a standing order with your bank to spread the payments.
This will make the paperwork less chaotic for the committee member that happens to be there on each night!

Some other changes I can tell you about another time, but I reckon that’s enough waffle for now.
Remember also you can email the committee by just hitting the reply button.

Til Next Time,
Don’t forget the http://www.englishcurlingforum.com

Letter From The President #1 – 7th April 2008

Letter From The President 1 – 7th April 2008

Dear Fellow Curler,
As the present season curls to an end, the SECC held its’ AGM on Saturday 5th April.
Beforehand we held our 3rd points competition which was very well subscribed.
At the AGM there was quite a big change in lineup of the club committee.
I was elected President, and have decided that letters like this from me might be a good way to communicate – let me know what you think.
Forbes Fenton ended his tenure as President, and has stepped down from the committee, as has Lana Watson, Jane Clark, James Hustler, Alastair Fyfe, John Sharp, Alison Hemmings.
The curling club does not run itself and I’m sure you would join me in thanking them all for the time and effort they have put into the club.
Elected to the committee alongisde myself and Jules Fowler, were Suzie Law, Lizzie Howard, Jo Ostermeyer, Adam Bermange, James Gibb, Susan Young.


Again I’m sure you’ll join me in welcoming them, and will provide as much help as possible – these are all voluntary positions done by people who are happy to give back to the club.


If you think we are doing something right – tell us.

If you think we are doing something wrong – tell us.

There are no hidden agendas, just a desire to provide the opportunity for structured club curling for individuals and groups.

The committee will be meeting within days of the season ending to continue working towards next season, and to that end I understand that some people did not receive the games intention forms for next season.

The deadline for these was the 5th April, but we will extend it for those who did not receive them.

Please let us know ASAP if you never got one – the deadline will only be extended a very short time.

Anyone will be welcome to curl with us next season, as little or as much as you wish, but if you want a slot in the regular leagues, we need to know via an intentions form.

In order to get in touch, you can just hit the reply button – bear in mind this email address is accessed by all the committee.

You can also email me direct on gordon@gordonbryan.com

The club bbq is slated for early July – I hope to see as many of you there as possible, or barring that, roll on next season!

Good Curling!

Gordon Bryan

President, SECC

Don’t forget the English Curling Forum for online curling discussion!
